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How to check-in?

Sandipta Pal

The most preferred way among users is to download the Q Waits app for check-in.

Check-in through Q Waits app: Once you run the app, search for the business in which you want to check-in. Now tap on it and once you are in the business details screen you will get to see the Check-in button. Tap on the Check-in button and once you specify the service category you are in. If the business has not specified service categories, then just tapping on the Check-in button will book your position in the queue.

If you have already reached the business and wish to check-in, you can now scan the QR code displayed in the store-front instead of searching the business in the app. Once you scan the business QR code you will be redirected to the business details screen where you will be able to check-in.

The QR code scanner is available on the top right corner of the screen beside the Notification icon. You can also tap the hamburger icon in the app and then find the QR scanner in the drawer menu.


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