Profile picture: Once you run the app and click on the hamburger icon, you will get to see your profile picture. In the current app version you cannot upload your profile picture. However if you are connected using your Google account or Facebook account or Apple account your profile picture in the respective accounts will be displayed here. If you are using this app as a Guest user (Continue as guest), your profile picture will not be available. Profile: If you are a registered user, and you click on Profile, you will be redirected to the Profile page. In this Profile page you will be able to view your profile picture (currently available for Google login, Apple login and Facebook login). Just below your Profile picture you will get to see your registered name, email address (only for email registered users) followed by Creation date and login mode. However if you have selected Continue as guest, your name will appear as “Guest” and your email address will appear as “Email not available”. Registered users: Shows a count of your favourite businesses. If you have not marked any of the businesses as your favourite, the count will appear as “0”. Below the favourite count you will be getting the Love this app? section with “Rate Us” and “Review” buttons. Below the Love this app? section you will get the Edit Profile button. Clicking on Edit Profile will take you to the Edit Profile page, where you can update your name, email address, password and delete your account as well.However if you are signed in using your Google account, Facebook account or Apple account you won't be able to change your details. You will be able to update your phone number irrespective of the mode of login (Email, Google, Facebook or Apple).
If you wish to change your email address, you will be sent a verification link in your new email address. You need to click on the verification link from your email and verify your email address. This feature is only available for email registered users.
If you wish to change your password, you will again receive a link in your registered email address, clicking on which will let you change your password. This feature is also available only for email registered users. Delete Account: If you wish to delete your account, you need to click on the Delete Account button. As account deletion is quite sensitive, this app does not allow you to delete your account if you have signed in a while ago. You need to sign out of the app, sign in again and then click on Delete Account. Sign-out: If you are a registered user, you will be getting the option of signing out from this app in the Profile section.