Once you click on one of the businesses from the home screen, you will get to see more information about the business on the business details screen.
This screen shows you the location of the business in Google maps on the top, directions icon to guide you to reach there, business name and address.
Report Now:
Report Now is a feature available for all the businesses which are not registered with us. Below the location details of the business, “W” (wait time) and “Q” (queue length) are shown along with reported time for these businesses. As a user you can now report the live Wait time and Queue length for the business by clicking on Report Now. If you click on Report Now you will be able to specify a Wait time of maximum 50 minutes and Queue Length of maximum 50.
Check in:
However for businesses which are registered with us, you will get to see the live status of the Queue for that business, provided the business has turned on the Queue. You can also check in to that business queue by clicking on the Check in button. Once you check in, you will get to see your position in the queue, your status (Waiting, Active or Hold) and the total queue length of that business. You will also be able to see the approximate wait time just below the status. Once you reach the 10th position, 5th position, 2nd position and 1st position you will get a notification. As and when 'it's your turn you will also be able to see a text - " It's your turn now. Go to kiosk <kiosk name> " just below the status (now it should be Active)
Current operation mode:
Just below the Report Now or Check in button you will get to see the Current operation mode of the business. Examples: normal, closed, limited entry, curbside pickup, online delivery etc. This section is editable only for businesses which are not registered with us. Clicking on this section, will also allow you to update this information.
You can also provide any additional information related to the operation mode of this business.
For a business which is closed, you cannot choose any other option. Also when a business is closed, W & Q section of the business in Business Information page will not be shown as they are no more valid.
However if the business is registered with us, you will be able to see the Current Operation mode, additional information if any, as specified by the business itself. You won't be able to edit this section.
For a unregistered business if you get to see Info not available, in Current operation mode section, it signifies that no user has specified the current operation mode of that business yet. For a registered business if you get to see Info not available, in Current operation mode section, it signifies that the business has not specified the current operation mode.
Senior hours:
Below the Current operation mode, is the Senior hours section. Senior hours section lets you know if the business is having dedicated hours for seniors.
You can specify Senior hours and additional information regarding Senior hours for a business which might be useful for other users.
For a business if you or someone else has specified the Senior hours, you can change it, as well as remove it.
However if the business is registered with us this section will not be editable. You will get to see the senior hours and additional information if any, as specified by the business. If the business has not specified any senior hours and additional details you will get to see "Info not available".